Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Near Miss Star Sighting

A moving called Elliott Rocket is being filmed in Jacksonville. Sharon Stone, Jimmy Fallon, and Tom Arnold are in the show. Jimmy Fallon and Tom Arnold were staying at the Hyatt while we were there. I think they hid from the cheerleaders pretty well because I did not hear any rumors of them being seen. We know they were on the floor above us and had heard the concierge mention Fallon's name on the phone while we waited there for a pizza to be delivered. The girl behind the counter in the little store in the Hyatt said she had seen them around. We asked if Sharon Stone was there and she said, "Oh, no. I think she would be staying at the Omni instead of here." I thought that a pretty odd thing to say and wondered just how much better the Omni could be. Or maybe she knew the cheerleaders were going to be in the building.

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