Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Cheer Boosters

Chocolate Chip CookieCheese Cake

The Booster Club for Nelson's cheer team is going to be pretty aggressive in fund raising this year. As one more avenue for revenue for Nelson's part, I have set up an online store front (which I will use for other purposes as well) where Nelson will be offering as many of the Booster Club goods as possible each month. If you see something that strikes your fancy at a price you like, please throw some cash at the cheer leaders.

My motive, of course, is that the more money I can get my invisible internet friends to throw at the cheer leaders the less that has to come out of my pocket. It might be bad marketing to come right out and admit that, but it's the truth. The Booster Club is going to try to have decent quality items in the monthly rounds of fund raising. Not every month will be selling a product and not every month has been mapped out yet. The general plan is to run enough fund raisers, varied enough, and over enough time that most of the kids on the team have a chance to raise enough money to cover their uniform costs, competition fees, and travel expenses.

Anyway, the store is open, it's rough, but will get prettier over time. So go, spend, spend, spend. The cookies are tasty.

Thanks In Advance.

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